Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program

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    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program

    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program

    How to Pin or Unpin a Program to the Windows 7 Taskbar
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Pin or Unpin a Program to the Windows 7 Taskbar

    This will show you how to Pin or Unpin a .exe file or shortcut of a installed program to the Windows 7 taskbar as a icon on the taskbar.

    The pinned taskbar items are located in this hidden system folder:

    C:\Users\(User-Name)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar
    The default icon links on the taskbar is Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, and Windows Explorer (opens to Libraries).

    Each program icon pinned to the taskbar can be opened by pressing the Windows key + 1 to 0 (1-10) keyboard shortcuts. You would use a number for how the program icons are ordered on the taskbar from left to right (for top or bottom) or top to bottom (for left or right) desktop location.
    You will need to have Recent Items turned on to see the recent items in a pinned program's Jump List.

    EXAMPLE: New Taskbar
    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program-new_taskbar.jpg


    To Pin a Program to the Taskbar

    NOTE: You can use step 2 or 3 to pin a folder in the Windows Explorer taskbar icon jump list.
    1. Right click on a program exe file or shortcut that you want to pin to the taskbar, and click on Pin to Taskbar. (See screenshot below)
    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program-context_menu.jpg

    2. Drag a file that has a program associated for it (ex: .txt file for Notepad) to a empty area on the taskbar until you see the Pin to (program name) (ex: Pin to notepad.exe) pop-up, then drop it. (See screenshot below)
    NOTE: This will pin the program (ex: Notepad) to the taskbar with the file (ex: txt) included in it's right click menu.
    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program-program_file.jpg

    3. Drag a program .exe file or shortcut (ex: CCLeaner), to a empty area of the taskbar until you see the Pin to Taskbar pop-up, then drop it. (See screenshot below)
    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program-program_exe_shortcut.jpg

    4. Right click on a open window taskbar button or icon that you want to pin to the taskbar, and click on Pin this program to the Taskbar. (See screenshot below)
    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program-pin_program.jpg

    5. Pin to program's jump list. (See screenshot below)
    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program-explorer-pin.jpg


    To Unpin a Program to the Taskbar

    1. Right click on a pinned taskbar icon link that you want to unpin, and click on Unpin this program from the Taskbar. (See screenshot below)
    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program-unpin_from_taskbar.jpg

    2. Unpin from program's jump list. (See screenshot below)
    Taskbar - Pin or Unpin a Program-explorer-unpin.jpg
    That's it,

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  1. Posts : 3
    windons 7 build 6801

    I have ever done, but now I can't

    please help me! thanks

    I have done, but now I unpin this program, I can't do it again.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,890
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Njcotjn, and welcome to Windows 7 Forums.

    You should be able to drag the program's shortcut or EXE file onto a empty space on the taskbar again to pin it. Check to make sure that you had dragged it down far enough on the taskbar.

    Hope this helps,
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,588
    SEVEN x64

    great tutorial Shawn.....

    no more objectdock for me!!

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 72,890
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    You're welcome Mitch.

    LOL, I must admit that I find myself still using both.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    windons 7 build 6801

    I tried lock new taskbar and unlock again

    I can't do it , too
    May be i unable "pin to taskbar" ??
    please help me, i don't want reinstall win.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 72,890
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter


    Was the CCleaner icon still on the taskbar after you have pinned and closed CCleaner?

    Have you tried dragging and dropping the shortcut onto the taskbar?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3
    windons 7 build 6801

    I tried. I have done 3 day ago. Now I can't.
    I locked it? I don't know to repair it.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 72,890
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    It would not hurt to unlock it again to see if that may be the problem. If not, you might do a System Restore with a restore point dated before it stopped working.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 19
    Vista Ultimate x64, Windows 7 Ultimate x86

    Hey i dunno if it's a bug but i can't get the "Computer" shorcut pinned. It's always Windows Explorer that keep coming back when i close it.

    Is it a bug or it can't just be done ?

    Thanks ! :)
      My Computer

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