Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE

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    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE

    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE

    How to Enable the Built-in Elevated "Administrator" Account from WinRE
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Enable the Built-in Elevated "Administrator" Account from WinRE


    Theoretically if you don't have any administrator account, the built-in Administrator account should be available in safe mode (see also related articles). Sometimes due to any identified reason, the built-in Administrator may not to be available in safe mode.

    This tutorial will help you to log on to the built-in Administrator in this case in Vista and Windows 7. It may also help if you forgot your admin password and you don't have a password reset disk.

    METHOD I (work only for 32 bit systems)

    1. Download this file enableadmin.exe, save it on your desktop, and unblock it.

    2. Open a command prompt at boot.

    3. In the command prompt, type diskpart and press Enter. (see screenshot below step 5)

    4. In the command prompt, type list volume and press Enter. (see screenshot below step 5)
    NOTE: This will let you see what the drive letter is for your Windows 7 drive. It may not always be the C: drive letter at boot.

    5. After making note of the drive letter, type exit and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE-command-1.jpg
    6. In the command prompt, type:
    cd /d <boot partition>:\Users\<your account name>\Desktop

    press ENTER

    where <boot partition> is the drive letter where you installed Windows 7

    and next type in command prompt



    here OS is on drive D:,the account name was John where this file has been placed so commands for this example will be:

    cd /d D:\Users\John\Desktop

    press ENTER


    press ENTER
    7. Restart computer,log on to build-in Administrator account and now you can try to fix problem dependce from situation -fix your account,reset password for your account or create new admin account.

    METHOD II (work for all systems)

    1. Open a command prompt at boot.

    2. In the command prompt, type the command below and press Enter.
    3. Click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (or HKEY_USERS - your choose. In this example I've chosen HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) .
    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE-rpp1.png
    4. Go to File menu and choose load hive option
    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE-rpp2.png

    it will open new window and in that navigate to drive where your OS is installed and go to <boot partition>\Windows\System32\config

    in this example it is C:\Windows\System32\config
    5. Choose SAM file and click Open
    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE-rpp3.png
    6. Next appear Key Name box,type the name whatever you want i.e REM_SAM
    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE-rpp4.png
    7. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\REM_SAM\SAM\Domains\Accounts\Users\000001F4 key and double click on string F,
    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE-rpp5.png

    it will open table with hexadicimal numbers

    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE-rpp6.png
    Build-in Administrator is disabled
    8. In this table find 11 number (8th line,first column in table -images),click to the right of it,press backspace and the 11 disappear and insert the 10 in this place
    Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE-rpp8.png
    Build-in Administrator is enabled
    9. Close box,the whole regedit and restart computer.

    10. Log on to build-in Administrator account and now you can try to fix problem dependce from situation -fix your account,reset password for your account or create new admin account.


    When finished repair you should disable build-in Administrator account (eventually create password for it).This account shouldn't be used in daily work.

  1. Posts : 1,158
    Win7 HP (x64)/Win7 Ultimate (x64)

    Thank you for this :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 589
    Windows 7 ultimate X64

    Great tutorial. I found myself locked out of my system after doing a sys restore using a HD image. Restore went well...untill it asked me for the password-which I had changed since the imaging. I even took the time to make a PW recovery key. NEVER thought I'd need it. And obviously didnt because it wouldnt work! The "key" unlocked it, but when it asked to enter new PW, I got "An error has occurred while resetting your password" Repeatedly. I even booted to dosk and enabled ADMIN THAT WAY TO NO AVAIL. I guess some days are just like that.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    windows 7 ultimate 32bit

    what if the no. was already no. 10?

    but still it hangs on welcome screen.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Win 7 Pro 64

    I cannot get past option 5, it asks me for an account that has administrator rights. All accounts that have administrative rights are disabled!!

    This is on a Window 7 Pro X64 machine, so using Method II
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2
    Win 7 Pro 64

    I resolved this using a Windows 7 Repair disk from another Windows 7 x64 PC. Opened a command prompt through that and then was able to load the config and create the REM_SAM, made the change and enable to the Administrator account.

    If you need to know how to create a repair cd google it, lots of info on the web about that.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 72,446
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    Hello Tircky, and welcome to Seven Forums.

    That's great news. Thank you for posting back with your results and solution.

    For those that need to create a repair disk: System Repair Disc - Create
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1
    7 ulti

    Just registered to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the enableadmin exe.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Great tutorial, very usefull! Thank you a lot!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    I can't get past step 5, it keeps telling me

    Cannot Load X:\Windows\System32\config\SAM: the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

    I'm not sure what it means by, but I'm trying to enable the built in admin because my only account on my home PC is locked out
      My Computer

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