windows update

  1. Posts : 173
    Windows 7 Ultimate x32

    windows update

    after format of a pc usually updates being downloaded ,but this time no,after doing several formats to my pc,dint know why updates arent being downloaded,using an original win 7 premium,updates wont download ,the update keep on searching for long time but nothing happened,?why and is there any update pack for win 7?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    See this
    Windows Update will not update and I've tried multiple fixes

    Although for a clean install these would be faster
    It's a lot easier to clean install these days with the unofficial sp2
    There are essentially 3 updates needed for a clean install of windows that will get you updated through April of 2016

    Which version of windows do you have installed 32 bit or 64 bit,
    System Type - 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)

    KB3020369 & KB3125574 & KB3172605 all can be downloaded from the catalog using internet explorer any browser now
    Microsoft Update Catalog

    Related articles,
    Simplifying updates for Windows 7 and 8.1
    Simplifying updates for Windows 7 and 8.1 – Windows for IT Pros

    1) Install windows without an internet connection and as soon as you get to your win-7
    desktop switch the update settings to Never check for updates or it will clash with the stand alone installers
    Windows Update Settings - Change

    2) You will also need to ensure the built in windows update service is not running if it is Stop it and set to
    manual or it will conflict with the stand alone installers.
    windows update-service-stop-windows-update.jpg
    3) KB3125574 is a very large update and will take a while to install be sure switch hibernation to off and also sleep mode
    Hibernate - Enable or Disable

    Screen Saver - Turn On or Off

    4) Manually install KB3020369 Required for the next 2 to be installed.
    5) Manually install KB3125574 This one has all update through April 2016 in it so it will take a little time to
    install considering there are 350 updates to date so it's a good thing to wait a while for it to install.
    6) Manually install KB3172605 Newest update client included in this one to get the update system working.

    7) Afterwards reset the windows updates service to what it was before/ Default and update settings to your preference and check for updates.
    Should be only 50 or so updates left to install.

    I have all three updates needed on my OneDrive too if you can't or don't want to deal with the catalog!AsjD7o6P3KLKj2SkG8MEhiaxwiVZ

    On another note
    There have been some rollups issued not sure if any prerequisite updates are required to install either of them
    The underlined is the security only rollup :)
    Brds7t7 posted them on another thread it would be installed 4th after the other 3 anyway :)
    Brds7t7 said:
    If you want the Security Quality Rollup (which includes everything), then it's here: these will eventually be cumulative sometime in 2017.

    If you want the Security-only update then that's from here: this won't be cumulative.
    Tip for cat and mouse updates on my Onedrive
    Windows handles .zip folders just like any normal folder so you don't need 7-zip or any third party utility to open them...

    After a clean install and once you get to the win-7 desktop connect the flash drive and move the 3 updates anywhere really downloads folder/ desktop/.... then right click one at a time in the order they are to be installed and use Extract all
    The extract all location popup message will be in the same place as you moved them too
    Plus the extracted file will also open in a new window

    When it does it might show a folder just double click on it and again on the next item which will be the .msu file
    You'll get a prompt do you want to install this item after a brief search approve and repeat for the other 2
    Last edited by ThrashZone; 23 Oct 2016 at 19:26. Reason: Replaced OneDrive link
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11
    Windows 7 Profesional, 64 bit

    I had rebuilt my friends Laptop, Installed updates and it installed 'Windows Update Agent' and Definitions for Microsoft Security Essentials', but then nothing else, so I tried Multiple Fixes and that was no good, so I thought I'd try this, so I did the Services and Windows update and installed KB3020369, that was fairly quick and actually saw it doing something, I've started KB3020369 and it's been running for about 2 hors,, just saying 'Searching For Updates on This Computer', is that normal? How long should it take?
    Shame it doesn't show you in more details what its doing, for example
    Looking for KBabc
    Installing update KBabc etc.

    Please Help.


      My Computer

  4. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    You're not finished until you manually install #5 & 6 too
    5) Manually install KB3125574 This one has all update through April 2016 in it so it will take a little time to
    install considering there are 350 updates to date so it's a good thing to wait a while for it to install.
    6) Manually install KB3172605 Newest update client included in this one to get the update system working.
    That will kick the update system in the rear and get it going :)

    Or if this was a older existing install just install #6
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11
    Windows 7 Profesional, 64 bit

    Thanks for that.
    I managed to get it working, I found

    Search for Windows Updates takes forever? - A possible solution

    start /wait "" "%SystemRoot%\system32\wusa.exe" "c:\Downloads\Win7Updates\Sunday\windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x64_2dafb1d203c8964239af3048b5dd4b1264cd93b9.msu" /norestart

    Worked a treat, then I did the other one manually, went through fine, reboot, reset Services and Windows update, ran windows update, 52 updates, reboot, found another 3 updates and 8 optional, so all good now.

    The person that owns the laptop doesn't want Windows 10, and it isn't free anymore, so do I need to run

    GRC | Never10

    Or have Microsoft stopped pushing it out? It hasn't installed as yet, so that is good.

    Thanks for the help, this took me several days to get something to work, so pleased that its working now :)

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,225
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring

    The W10 GWX updates have all been pulled, no worries on that score.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 11
    Windows 7 Profesional, 64 bit

    Great, thanks

      My Computer


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